CCAT Funding Opportunity (Request for Proposal)
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The proposal due date for 2024 has now passed, and the next issue date is projected for October 2025. As CCAT continues to advance research in connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies, future funding opportunities will be announced in alignment with ongoing developments and research priorities. More information regarding the upcoming issue date and key milestones will be shared as it becomes available.
Total Available Federal Funding: TBD
Issue Date: TBD – Announces around October 2025
Proposal Due Date: TBD
For questions, please contact Henry Liu (CCAT Director) and Debby Bezzina (CCAT Managing Director)
Overview of CCAT
The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, in partnership with Central State University, Purdue University, University of Akron, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Washtenaw Community College, established the USDOT Region 5 University Transportation Center (UTC): Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) in 2016 under the funding support from the FACT ACT. In 2023, CCAT was renewed under the support of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), with an expanded consortium adding Northwestern University, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The statutory research priority area that CCAT addresses is Promoting Safety. Under BIL, CCAT is USDOT’s designated UTC “focusing its efforts in the field of comprehensive transportation safety, congestion, connected vehicles, connected infrastructure, and autonomous vehicles, including the cybersecurity implications of technologies relating to connected vehicles, connected infrastructure, and autonomous vehicles”.
CCAT Vision: Provide regional and national leadership in connected and automated transportation system research, education, and training.
CCAT Mission: Significantly advance the evolution of the U.S. next-generation transportation systems with connected and automated vehicles and infrastructure.