How Vehicle Connectivity Based Eco-Routing Choices Will Impact Driver Decision Making

How Vehicle Connectivity Based Eco-Routing Choices Will Impact Driver Decision Making

Headshot of Shan Bao. The link directs to their bio page.
Shan Bao
Headshot of Jim Sayer. The link directs to their bio page.
James Sayer
The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Logo. The link directs to the funded research led by this institution.

Principal Investigator(s):

Shan Bao, Associate Research Scientist – The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
Associate Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering – University of Michigan-Dearborn
James Sayer, Director and Research Scientist – The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Project Abstract:
The development of advanced technologies has provided options of energy-saving route alternatives, Eco-routing choices. Eco-routing is the identification of the most energy-efficient route for a vehicle to travel between two points and is offered as a way in which drivers can reduce fuel consumption and consequently reduce the carbon footprint of their journeys. This work proposes methods of assessing and modeling how vehicle connectivity based eco-routing choices impact on drivers’ decision making when provided with different sources of information.

Institution(s): University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Award Year: 2019

Research Thrust(s): Enabling TechnologyHuman FactorsPolicy & Planning

Project Form(s):