Headshot of Debby Bezzina. The link directs to their bio page.

Debby Bezzina

University of Michigan


(734) 763-2498



Senior Program Manager – University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)
Managing Director
– Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT)

Debby Bezzina holds a BS in electrical engineering, an MBA, and a program management professional certification (PMP). Ms. Bezzina has over thirty years of experience in the automotive industry and has served as a program manager for eighteen years. She served as Visteon’s program manager on two USDOT-funded field operational tests of automotive advanced-safety-systems research (road departure crash warning FOT and integrated vehicle-based safety systems FOT). Prior to Visteon, Debby worked at General Motors on vehicle control modules and audio in the Truck Group, and Ford Motor Company in the Engine Design Division. She was the senior program manager for the Safety Pilot Model Deployment (SPMD) and at present is the senior program manager for the Ann Arbor Connected Environment (AACE) at UMTRI.

Their Research

Conformance to Clarifications for Consistent Implementations (CCIs) to Ensure Interoperability of Connected Signalized Intersections in the Ann Arbor Connected Environment with a National Deployment
Principal Investigator:
James Sayer & Debby Bezzina
Research Thrusts: Infrastructure Design & Management