Headshot of Bernard Martin

Bernard Martin

University of Michigan


Google Scholar


Associate Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering – University of Michigan

Professor Bernard Martin has an engineering degree in applied physics and electrical engineering (Marseille, France), a Ph.D. in Bioengineering, and a Doctorat Es Science from the Université de Provence (Marseille, France).

He teaches courses in ergonomics, human performance and engineering systems, and neurosensory systems. His research is centered on human sensorimotor systems and the application of such knowledge to performance, rehabilitation, and ergonomics. He uses complementary approaches to investigate the role of sensory information in the regulation of sensorimotor activities. Currently, his focus is on the understanding of upper limb sensory and motor asymmetries, vibrotactile stimulation to improve rehabilitation processes, long-lasting muscle fatigue, and prevention of motion sickness.

Their Research

Deployment of Preemption based Motion Sickness Prevention Technology on a Testbed Vehicle in Mcity
Principal Investigator:
Shorya Awtar & Bernard Martin
Research Thrusts: Enabling Technology, Human Factors