Distinguished Lecture Series with Larry Head, Ph.D.

Distinguished Lecture Series with Larry Head, Ph.D.

Banner for CCAT Distinguished Lecture Series with Larry Head. It features their headshot and job title. The link directs to the VOD of the presentation on YouTube.

Speaker(s): Larry Head, Ph.D., Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering — University of Arizona

Presentation Title: V2X Applications for Safety and Mobility

Location: U-M Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) Collaborative Meeting Space
2901 Baxter Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (Room 139)

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 19th, 2019 | 2:00 PM ET

Continuing Education Units (CEU): .1*
* confirm with your company to ensure that this event qualifies

Abstract: V2X communications creates an information-rich environment for new mobility and safety applications in our transportation system. This talk examines two prototype applications that we have developed to improve mobility, the Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal System, and safety, the CV Work Zone for Freight Vehicles. The Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal System utilizes connected vehicle data to provide priority-based traffic signal control and new performance measures for assessing system performance. The CV Work Zone for Freight Vehicles prototype provides roadway hazard alerts to freight vehicle operators as they traverse the work zone on freeways and urban arterials. Finally, we present emerging research on the use of infrastructure-based and vehicle-based sensors to create a framework for safety monitoring and assessment of connected and autonomous vehicles.

Speaker Bio:

Larry Head is a Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering at the University of Arizona. He has over 30 years of academic and industry experience related to systems engineering, engineering management, adaptive traffic signal control and priority, and connected and automated vehicle systems. He is a member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Intelligent Transportation Systems committee and the TRB Traffic Signal Systems committee. He is an associate editor of Transportation Research – Part C and a member of TRB, SAE, INFORMS, IISE, and IEEE.