Headshot of David Noyce

David Noyce

University of Wisconsin-Madison


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Arthur F. Hawnn Professor – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Executive Associate Dean of the College of Engineering – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Executive Director – Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory
Executive Director – Wisconsin Driving Simulator Laboratory
Associate Director – Safety Research Using Simulation (SaferSIM) Center

Dr. David Noyce is the Executive Director of the Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory and the Wisconsin Driving Simulator Laboratory. The TOPS Laboratory conducts research in the local, state, national, and international markets. Since inception in 2003, the TOPS Lab has completed over $35 million in research activities and has become recognized as a leading transportation research institution in the country. He is also an Associate Director of Safety Research Using Simulation (SaferSIM) Center, one of the University Transportation Centers (UTC) in the U.S. The consortium includes the University of Iowa, University of Central Florida, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaquez. His major research interests include the operational and behavioral aspects of transportation safety and operations. Recent research activities have considered advanced traffic control devices, left-turn signalization, smart corridors, intelligent intersection and arterials with V2V and V2I communication, and applications of advanced technologies.

Their Research

Road User-Automated Vehicle Expectancies, Interactions, and Safety
Principal Investigator:
David Noyce, Sikai Chen, Sue Ahn, & Madhav Chitturi
Research Focus: Safety
Security Defense of Transportation Networks against Cyber Attacks: A Physics-Informed AI Approach
Principal Investigator:
Sikai Chen, Sue Ahn, & David Noyce
Research Focus: Cybersecurity
Traffic Control based on CARMA Platform for Maximal Traffic Mobility and Safety
Principal Investigator(s):
Xiaopeng Li & David Noyce
Research Focus: Mobility
Using Connected Intelligent Transportation to Enhance Vulnerable Road User Safety
Principal Investigator(s):
Sikai Chen, Sue Ahn, & David Noyce
Research Focus: Safety, Equity