Using Connected Intelligent Transportation to Enhance Vulnerable Road User Safety
Principal Investigator(s):
Sikai Chen, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sue Ahn, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering – University of Wisconsin-Madison
David Noyce, Arthur F. Hawnn Professor – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Executive Associate Dean of the College of Engineering – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Executive Director – Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory
Executive Director – Wisconsin Driving Simulator Laboratory
Associate Director – Safety Research Using Simulation (SaferSIM) Center
Project Abstract:
In an era where Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are becoming increasingly prevalent, the safety and equitable treatment of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) such as pedestrians and cyclists are of paramount concern. This project aims to tackle these challenges by creating a comprehensive interaction system to ensure VRU safety within a connected environment. Leveraging Virtual Reality (VR) simulations, VRU wearable devices, advanced algorithms, and real-time data integration, we aim to develop a human-in-the-loop digital twin system to test and improve the perception and decision-making mechanisms for both AVs and VRUs. The project will unfold through a series of tasks, including the development of a VR-based testing environment, a warning system for VRUs, and an AV collision avoidance system. By achieving these objectives, we anticipate setting new benchmarks in road safety and equitable access to transportation resources.
Institution(s): University of Wisconsin-Madison
Award Year: 2023
Research Focus: Safety, Equity
Project Form(s):