CCAT Director Named Director of Mcity

From left to right: Shengyin Shen, Xintao Yan, Dr. Henry Liu, Dr. Shuo Feng, and Haojie Zhu
Photograph by Calvin Tuttle
Henry Liu, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) and the Michigan Traffic Lab (MTL), Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and Research Professor at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) has been named the new director of Mcity.
This news comes in conjunction with the announcement that Mcity will be moving from the Office of the Vice President for Research to the College of Engineering, two years after UMTRI joined one of the top-ranked engineering colleges in the country. Dr. Liu will follow Dr. Huei Peng, the Roger L. McCarthy Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. Dr. Peng has conducted research under the CCAT grant on driving etiquette. Dr. Peng’s role as Mcity Director will come to an end on December 31, 2021. This will not impact any of Dr. Liu’s other appointments, including CCAT.
To get learn more, read the full story on the University Record.