Jon D. Fricker (deceased)
Purdue University
Professor of Civil Engineering – Purdue University
Dr. Fricker has principal research interests in transportation planning, network analysis, systems analysis, public transportation, county highway programs, expert systems, and highway finance. Over the past forty years, he has worked on several sponsored research projects spanning various functional areas including highway and intersection safety and mobility, integrated land use-transportation modeling, alternative land use studies, traffic monitoring, and origin-destination studies. Dr. Fricker has authored or co-authored hundreds of technical publications and conference proceedings and is co-author of a widely-used book, Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering: A Multimodal Systems Approach (2004, Prentice-Hall). Dr. Fricker’s awards include outstanding papers for journals and conferences, ITE’s Technical Council Award, ASCE’s News Correspondent Award, and TRB’s Grant D. Mickel award. He has long been a member of the board of directors of the Greater Lafayette Public Transportation Company, and the Technical Transportation Committee of Tippecanoe County in Indiana.
Their Research
Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction in a CAV Environment – Explanatory Metrics |
Principal Investigator: Jon D. Fricker Research Thrusts: Human Factors, Modeling & Implementation |
Smart Interaction – Pedestrians and Vehicles in a CAV Environment |
Principal Investigator: Jon D. Fricker Research Thrusts: Human Factors, Modeling & Implementation |
Translation of Driver-Pedestrian Behavioral Models at Semi-Controlled Crosswalks into a Quantitative Framework for Practical Self-Driving Vehicle Applications |
Principal Investigator: Jon D. Fricker Research Thrusts: Human Factors, Policy & Planning |