Headshot of Brian Lin. The link directs to their bio page.

Brian Lin

University of Michigan


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Assistant Research Scientist – The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)

Dr. Lin earned his BS, MS, and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. Dr. Lin has 11 years of experience in automotive human factors research at UMTRI after his Ph.D. His current research is focused on mining naturalistic driving data using statistical and machine-learning methods, driver-assist-system evaluation, driver performance and behavior assessment, and driver distraction and workload mitigation. His most recent work includes human driver’s lane-change maneuvers, drivers’ decisions at intersections, and passengers’ motion discomfort in moving vehicles. Dr. Lin has much experience in conducting experiments to evaluate advanced automotive systems, including auto-braking, lane departure, driver-state monitoring, electronic head units, car-following and curve-assist systems on L2 automation, and lane-change and intersection assist on L3 automation on public roads, test tracks, or simulation. He is familiar with the methods to investigate driver distraction, workload, and human-machine interaction with in-vehicle technologies and safety features. He serves as a peer reviewer for Applied Ergonomics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Transportation Research Part F, and Transportation Research Record.

Their Research

A Data-Driven Autonomous Driving Systems for Overtaking Bicyclists
Principal Investigator:
Brian Lin & Shan Bao
Research Thrusts: Human FactorsModeling & Implementation
DeepScenario: City Scale Scenario Generation for Automated Driving System Testing & Evaluation
Principal Investigator:
Henry Liu, Shan Bao, & Brian Lin
Research Thrusts: Enabling Technology, Human Factors, Modeling & Implementation
Developing Decision-Making Models for AV Movements at the Unsignalized Intersections
Principal Investigator:
James Sayer & Brian Lin
Research Thrusts: Control & OperationsEnabling TechnologyModeling & Implementation
Development of Machine-Learning Models for Autonomous Vehicle Decisions on Weaving Sections of Freeway Ramps
Principal Investigator:
Brian Lin
Research Thrusts: Human FactorsModeling & Implementation