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Siqian Shen

University of Michigan

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Associate Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering – The University of Michigan
Associate Director – Michigan Institute of Computational Discovery & Engineering (MICDE)

Professor Shen obtained a B.S. degree from Tsinghua University in 2007 and Ph.D. from the University of Florida in 2011. Her theoretical research interests are in integer programming, stochastic/robust optimization, and network optimization. Applications include optimization and risk analysis of energy, healthcare, cloud computing, and transportation systems. She is a recipient of the IIE Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award, IBM Smarter Planet Innovation Faculty Award, and Department of Energy (DoE) Early Career Award.

Real-Time Distributed Optimization of Traffic Signal Timing
Principal Investigator:
Yafeng Yin, Siqian Shen, & Henry Liu
Research Thrusts: Control & Operations, Enabling Technology, Modeling & Implementation