Practice-Ready Guidelines for Training Older Adults to Use Connected and Automated Vehicles: Testing of an Enhanced Training Program at Mcity Test Facility and the Goodyear Test Track

Practice-Ready Guidelines for Training Older Adults to Use Connected and Automated Vehicles: Testing of an Enhanced Training Program at Mcity Test Facility and the Goodyear Test Track

Headshot of Lisa Molnar. The link directs to their profile page.
Lisa Molnar
Headshot of Ping Yi. The link directs to their profile page.
Ping Yi
The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Logo. The link directs to the funded research led by this institution.
The University of Akron Logo. The link directs to the funded research led by this institution.

Principal Investigator(s):

Lisa Molnar, Research Associate Professor – The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
Ping Yi, Professor of Civil Engineering – The University of Akron

Project Abstract:
Development of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) holds promise for reducing traffic crashes and maintaining mobility among older adults by addressing barriers they currently face. For example, age-related declines in perceptual and psychomotor abilities can lead to unsafe outcomes at intersections, with older adults having elevated crash rates due to poor gap selection. The primary purpose of CAV technologies is to improve traffic safety by reducing crashes; these technologies are expected to provide direct benefits to groups needing them the most including older adults. Challenges remain, however, in ensuring that CAVs are accessible, acceptable, and otherwise inclusive. Research suggests that older adults’ acceptability and trust of CAVs is influenced by their understanding of these technologies; yet many older adults lack awareness and knowledge about them. There is an opportunity to extend previous research to improve older adults’ understanding of CAV technologies through training, so that they are better prepared to take advantage of the safety features of these technologies. Research objectives for this study include: 1) Enhance a CAV training previously developed for older adults; 2) Provide real-world experience for training, using test vehicles; and 3) Evaluate changes in knowledge and acceptance due to training.

Institution(s): University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
The University of Akron

Award Year: 2023

Research Focus: Safety, Mobility, Equity

Project Form(s):