Headshot of Sikai Chen

Sikai Chen

University of Wisconsin–Madison


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Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering – University of Wisconsin–Madison

Dr. Sikai (Sky) Chen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison. He received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with a focus on Computational Science & Engineering from Purdue University. Dr. Chen’s research centers around three major themes: human users, AI, and transportation. He aims to innovate and develop safe, efficient, sustainable, and human-centered transportation systems using cutting-edge methods and technologies. The focus is on incorporating human behaviors, interactive autonomy, and intelligent control frameworks. He is a member of two ASCE national committees: Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Impacts, and Economics & Finance; and TRB Standing Committee on Statistical Methods (AED60).

Their Research

Development of AI-Based and Control-Based Systems for Safe and Efficient Operations of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Principal Investigator:
Samuel Labi & Sikai Chen
Research Thrusts: Control & OperationsEnabling TechnologyModeling & Implementation
Development of Situational Awareness Enhancing Systems for AV-Manual Handover and Other Tasks
Principal Investigator:
Samuel Labi & Sikai Chen
Research Thrusts: Enabling Technology, Human Factors, Modeling & Implementation
Large Network Multi-Level Control for CAV and Smart Infrastructure: AI-based Fog-Cloud Collaboration
Principal Investigator:
Sikai Chen, Samuel Labi, & Kumares Sinha
Research Thrusts: Control & OperationsEnabling Technology, Infrastructure Design & Management, Modeling & Implementation
Leveraging Control Theory to Facilitate UAV Application for CAV Deployment
Principal Investigator:
Shaoshuai Mou & Sikai Chen
Research Thrusts: Control & Operations, Enabling Technology, Modeling & Implementation
Promoting CAV Deployment by Enhancing the Perception Phase of the Autonomous Driving Using Explainable AI
Principal Investigator:
Samuel Labi & Sikai Chen
Research Thrusts: Control & OperationsEnabling Technology, Modeling & Implementation
Road User-Automated Vehicle Expectancies, Interactions, and Safety
Principal Investigator:
David Noyce, Sikai Chen, Sue Ahn, & Madhav Chitturi
Research Focus: Safety
Security Defense of Transportation Networks against Cyber Attacks: A Physics-Informed AI Approach
Principal Investigator:
Sikai Chen, Sue Ahn, & David Noyce
Research Focus: Cybersecurity
Using Connected Intelligent Transportation to Enhance Vulnerable Road User Safety
Principal Investigator(s):
Sikai Chen, Sue Ahn, & David Noyce
Research Focus: Safety, Equity
Using Connected Intelligent Transportation to Enhance Vulnerable Road User Safety: Phase II Real-world Testing and Deployment
Principal Investigator(s):
Sikai Chen
Research Focus: Safety, Equity
Using Virtual Reality Techniques to Investigate Interactions Between Fully Autonomous Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users
Principal Investigator:
Samuel Labi & Sikai Chen
Research Thrusts: Enabling Technology, Human Factors