On the Road to the Global Symposium with Krishnakumar Nedunuri, Ph.D. and Ramanitharan Kandiah, Ph.D.
Speaker(s): Krishnakumar Nedunuri, Ph.D., Professor of Environmental Engineering, Central State University
Director, C.J. McLin International Center for Water Resources Management
Ramanitharan Kandiah, Ph.D., Professor of Environmental Engineering & Program Coordinator, Central State University
Presentation Title: Incorporating Air Pollution Information into CAV Systems
Research: CAV Developed Vehicles as Real-Time Sensors for Assessing Greenhouse Gases
Date/Time: Thursday, April 9th, 2020 | 2:00 PM ET
Abstract: This project studies air pollutants under different traffic congestion scenarios along freeways in the state of Ohio. Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) technology will then be deployed to communicate this information to freeway travelers via radio channels.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Nedunuri got his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering area of Civil Engineering from Purdue University. He is a STEM fellow at the Dayton Regional Center and a Scientific Teaching Fellow at the Summer Institutes organized by the National Science Foundation and Howards Hughes Medical Institute. Nedunuri also teaches graduate courses in Clean Energy Engineering at Wright State University. He served as PI/Co-PI in over 25 research and educations grants and a reviewer for NIFA and for professional journals. He is a member of the State technical board for the Natural Resources and Conservation Service (NRCS), USDA, Ohio.
Dr. Ramanitharan holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. He is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer in Ohio, Certified Professional Hydrologist, Board Certified Environmental Engineer, and Envision Sustainability Professional. His research interests include Transportation-related Air and Noise Pollution Modeling and Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy.