Facilitating Electric Propulsion of Autonomous Vehicles Through Efficient Design of a Charging-Station Network

Facilitating Electric Propulsion of Autonomous Vehicles Through Efficient Design of a Charging-Station Network

Samuel Labi Headshot. The link directs to their bio page.
Samuel Labi
Headshot of Mohammad Miralinaghi. The link directs to their bio page.
Mohammad Miralinaghi
Purdue University Logo. The link directs to the funded research led by this institution.

Principal Investigator(s):

Samuel Labi, Professor of Civil Engineering – Purdue University
Director – NEXTRANS
Mohammad Miralinaghi, Research Associate – Purdue University

Project Abstract:
For a vehicle to be truly autonomous, it needs to be propelled by a power type that does not require human effort to transfer the power into the vehicle manually. For this reason, electric propulsion is increasingly being considered as a viable and practical alternative to the internal combustion engine (ICE). Another benefit of electric propulsion is the reduction of vehicular emissions. Electric automated vehicles (EAVs) that have zero-occupancy can simply be sent to electric charging stations for recharge. This research proposes a framework for efficient design of a network of electric charging stations that can promote AVs. In this framework, the transportation planner seeks to gradually install electric charging stations at repurposed existing gas stations and/or at new locations. The framework considers the anticipation of an ICEV-to-AV transition phase where the existing gas stations will be decommissioned gradually in favor of electric charging stations. The framework will consider two trip-making scenarios: intracity trips that capture traffic congestion, and intercity trips that are characterized by long distances.

Institution(s): Purdue University

Award Year: 2019

Research Thrust(s): Control & Operations, Enabling TechnologyInfrastructure Design & Management, Modeling & Implementation, Policy & Planning

Project Form(s):