CCAT Ann Arbor Connected Environment (AACE) Operations and Maintenance

CCAT Ann Arbor Connected Environment (AACE) Operations and Maintenance

Headshot of Dr. Henry Liu. The link directs to their bio page on the CCAT website.
Henry Liu
The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Logo. The link directs to the funded research led by this institution.

Principal Investigator(s):

Henry Liu, Director – Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT)
Director – Mcity
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering – The University of Michigan
Research Professor – The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Project Abstract:
This funding is to augment maintenance and operations of the Ann Arbor Connected Environment. The Ann Arbor Connected Environment is one of the largest operational, real-world deployment of DSRC connected vehicles and infrastructure in the world. In 2017, it was expanded to encompass the entire City of Ann Arbor – 29 square miles. It has 70 infrastructure sites to include three curve speed warning sites, four pedestrian crosswalks, five freeway sites, one roundabout, two test sites, and fifty-five intersections that are instrumented. More than 2,200 cars, commercial trucks, and transit vehicles were equipped with global positioning systems and dedicated short-range communications. All devices pass industry certification testing and use production security. Additionally, the environment complies with all regulatory requirements such as FCC licensing. This project contributes to the continued operations and maintenance of the Ann Arbor Connected Environment, which is currently funded by Mcity. The Ann Arbor Connected Environment is used by many CCAT researchers and industry stakeholders. It enables research in all CCAT research thrusts for connected and automated transportation including Enabling Technology; Planning and Policy; Human Factors; Infrastructure Design and Management; Control and Operations; and Modeling and Implementation.

Institution(s): University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Award Year: 2021

Research Thrust(s): Control & Operations, Enabling Technology, Human FactorsInfrastructure Design & Management, Modeling & Implementation, Policy & Planning

Project Form(s):