Automotive Cybersecurity Industry Consortium CAN Bus Scanning Tool Project

Automotive Cybersecurity Industry Consortium CAN Bus Scanning Tool Project

Headshot of David LeBlanc. The link directs to their bio page.

David LeBlanc
The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Logo. The link directs to the funded research led by this institution.

Principal Investigator(s):

David LeBlanc, Associate Research Scientist – The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Project Abstract:
The Automotive Cybersecurity Industry Consortium (ACIC) required development of a software tool for security testing of vendor-supplied ECUs, similar to the Nmap security scanner on traditional networks. The CAN Bus Scanning Tool allows for scanning a vehicle to identify and exercise available diagnostic services, as seen on the network. This is useful for designers seeking to enhance vehicle security by ensuring the network elements expose only those interactions that are intended. This project involved developing, demonstrating, and distributing a software tool among ACIC members that achieves these goals. The final report for this project will not be publicly available.

Institution(s): University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Award Year: 2017

Research Thrust(s): Control & Operations, Enabling Technology

Project Form(s):