Research Review with Shan Bao, Ph.D.
Speaker(s): Shan Bao, Ph.D., Associate Research Scientist, U-M Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)
Associate Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Presentation Title: Driver Route Choice and Compliance in Eco-Routing
Research: How Vehicle Connectivity Based Eco-Routing Choices Will Impact Driver Decision Making
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020 | 2:00 PM ET
Continuing Education Units (CEU): .1*
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Abstract: The development of advanced technologies has provided options for energy-saving route alternatives, Eco-routing choices. Eco-routing is the identification of the most energy-efficient route for a vehicle to travel between two points and is offered as a way in which drivers can reduce fuel consumption and consequently reduce the carbon footprint of their journeys. This work proposes methods of assessing and modeling how vehicle connectivity based eco-routing choices impact a driver’s decision-making when provided with different sources of information.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Bao is an Associate Professor in the Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department, University of Michigan-Dearborn, with a joint appointment as Associate Research Scientist in the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute’s Human Factors Group. She is also an affiliated faculty member with UM Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, UM Robotics Institute and Institute of Data Science. Dr. Bao received her Ph.D. in mechanical and industrial engineering from the University of Iowa in 2009. Her research over the last 17 years has been rooted in the human factors issues related to connected and automated vehicle technologies, ADAS system evaluation, driver distraction, driver behavior modeling, and big data analysis. She has served as the PI or co-PI of 49 research projects for the US DOT, US DOE, and the automotive industry. She has published 63 technical publications, including 33 refereed journal articles. Dr. Bao is a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and served as the chair of the Surface Transportation Technical Group of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. She is a member of the TRB Vehicle User Characteristics committee and the TRB Human Factors in Road Vehicle Automation subcommittee. Dr. Bao is also the author of the recent IEEE e-learning course on “Human Factors Issues in Vehicle Automation”.