

Safety is and always will be the top priority of CAV technologies. Despite significant advancements in technology over the past two decades, it is widely acknowledged that autonomous vehicles (AVs) still have a safety performance that falls considerably short of that exhibited by the average human driver. CCAT focuses its safety-based research from three distinct perspectives. First, the development and demonstration of safety validation methodologies for AVs, encompassing both functional safety testing and behavioral safety testing. Secondly, the expeditious deployment of V2X (vehicle-to-everything) technology, taking into account the FCC Ruling that designates 30MHz of safety spectrum for transportation applications. This is particularly crucial in the realm of safeguarding vulnerable road users (VRUs). Lastly, the development and demonstration of CAV deployment in the Midwest, which entails navigating winter driving conditions in urban areas and year-round driving in rural regions.

Research Focusing on Safety

Cost Benefit Analysis of an Infrastructure-Vehicle Cooperative Perception System
Principal Investigator(s):
Yiheng Feng, Ziran Wang, & Andrew Tarko
Research Focus: Safety, Mobility
COVERT: Cognitive Internet of Vulnerable Road Users in Traffic
Principal Investigator(s):
Carol Menassa & Vineet Kamat
Research Focus: Safety, Mobility
Driving Simulation Insights for High-Speed AV Operations and Human-Machine Interactions
Principal Investigator(s):
Samuel Labi & Kumares Sinha
Research Focus: Safety
Economical Acquisition of Intersection Data to Facilitate CAV Operations Phase II – Implementation
Principal Investigator(s):
James Krogmeier & Samuel Labi
Research Focus: Safety
Examining Driver Hand-off and Take-over of AVs at J-turn Intersections
Principal Investigator(s):
Nichole Morris & Katelyn Schwieters
Research Focus: Safety, Mobility
Hardening the CAV Ecosystem to Reduce Cybersecurity Risks – Year One
Principal Investigator(s):
Zhi-Li Zhang, Z. Morley Mao, & Yiheng Feng
Research Focus: Safety, Cybersecurity
Lessons from High-speed Level-5 AV Racing
Principal Investigator(s):
Samuel Labi
Research Focus: Safety, Mobility
Making CAV Deployments Compatible with Complete Streets Objectives
Principal Investigator(s):
Hani Mahmassani
Research Focus: Safety, Mobility, Fairness
Prototyping a Low-cost Roadside Device System for Cooperative Automated Driving
Principal Investigator(s):
Yang Cheng, Bin Ran, & Steven Parker
Research Focus: Safety, Mobility
Road User-Automated Vehicle Expectancies, Interactions, and Safety
Principal Investigator:
David Noyce, Sikai Chen, Sue Ahn, & Madhav Chitturi
Research Focus: Safety
Roadway Friction Screening and Measurement with Automated Vehicle Telematics and Control
Principal Investigator(s):
Xiaopeng Li, Yanfeng Ouyang, & Heye Huang
Research Focus: Safety, Mobility
Rural Intersection Safety for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
Principal Investigator(s):
Rajesh Rajamani & Brian Davis
Research Focus: Safety
Smart Construction Work-Zone Safety with ADAS and Passive Road Sensing
Principal Investigator(s):
Jeffery Roesler
Research Focus: Safety

A photo of a vehicle's push to start with a diagram overlaying it and text that reads 'Cybersecurity'. The link directs to all of CCAT's research focused on cybersecurity.
A photo of a research vehicle and text that reads 'Mobility'. The link directs to all of CCAT's research focused on mobility.
A photo of a researcher sitting in a test van and text that reads 'Accessibility'. The link directs to all of CCAT's research focused on accessibility.